Success Stories: With the Aid of Our Unparalleled Efforts and PP service, a Director and Distinguished Research Scientist from China Secures EB1A Approval in the Field of Data Science in Just 3 Days


Client’s Testimonial:

“I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Chen Immigration for their incredibly quick and efficient handling of my EB1-A application. Their responsiveness and helpfulness throughout the process were truly remarkable. The entire process was completed in just under five months. This level of speed and efficiency exceeded my expectations and made a potentially stressful situation much easier. Chen Immigration’s team demonstrated professionalism and dedication every step of the way. I’m thrilled with the outcome and deeply appreciative of their support in achieving this milestone.”

On November 16th, 2023, we received another EB-1A (Alien of Extraordinary Ability) approval for a Director and Distinguished Research Scientist in the Field of Data Science (Approval Notice).

General Field: Data Science

Position at the Time of Case Filing: Director and Distinguished Research Scientist

Country of Origin: China

State of Residence at the Time of Filing: Texas

Approval Notice Date: November 16th, 2023

Processing Time: 3 days (Premium Processing Requested)

Case Summary:

A director and distinguished research scientist with a Ph.D. in physics approached us to assist him in constructing an I-140 EB-1A (Alien of Extraordinary Ability) petition. We commenced assessing the broad scope of his skills and knowledge in the data science field, and we extended the reasonable assumption that he will continue to do so within the United States. The significance of his research experience and achievements is further explored in letters of recommendation from other authorities in the area. Therefore, we countersigned the client-attorney agreement and decided to successfully guide him through the EB1A process.

We aimed to highlight his triumphs in his EB1A petition to be presented to the USCIS for further evaluation of his credentials:

  • Initially, we summarized his research which focused on tree-based gradient-boosting machine learning algorithms for the reduction of memory usage in programs and has already greatly advanced the national interest through streamlining machine learning processes and upgrading machine learning architecture.
  • We further deduced that his research certainly addresses some of our nation’s most pressing issues, including maximizing data analysis for companies like Amazon and eBay, improving access to credit and economic mobility, and expanding our understanding of the universe.
  • Also, we detailed the 326 peer-reviewed scientific articles he published, which altogether amassed 50,749 citations, and this impressive citation total underscores the utmost importance of his work due to its direct applicability in global efforts for governmental security, economic growth, and understanding fundamental properties in the universe.
  • In addition to his groundbreaking research, he actively contributes as a peer reviewer and has judged the work of others 15 times. This significantly enhances the quality and impact of his colleagues’ work. He applies his expertise to evaluate research manuscripts for several prestigious journals and conferences. His substantial involvement in peer review activities highlights his prominent standing in the field and emphasizes his steadfast commitment to advancing impactful research.
  • Furthermore, his study has been funded by both the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. This funding has supported numerous projects that prioritize the deployment of clean energy technologies, advance national health and welfare, promote scientific progress, and benefit national security. This is a testament to the immense criticality of his research.

To fortify his case further, we included recommendation letters signed by four of his fellow leading researchers in the field and one of them provided the following statement:

“In conclusion, [client’s] work acts as a crucial bridge between diverse fields, seamlessly connecting machine learning, advanced statistics, and groundbreaking research in new physics. Without such an integrated approach, achieving advancements in any single field would be exceedingly challenging. Thus, it is imperative that the United States extend him the necessary support and resources, as the global scientific community relies on his expertise to continue making substantial advancements.”

We are thrilled that within 3 days of our filing his application, our client’s EB1A petition was approved. A special thanks to the USCIS for offering the premium processing service, a paid alternative that enables petitioners to receive an expedited decision.

Thankfully, we were able to persuade the USCIS of our client’s research once more. Because of his significant influence on science, technology, the understanding of the world, and other vital fields, it is critical to secure his knowledge as a priceless asset. We are grateful that our client chose the North America Immigration Law Group and allowed us to play a significant role in his achievement.

North America Immigration Law Group (Chen Immigration Law Associates) is a U.S. immigration law firm dedicated to representing corporations, research institutions, and individuals from all 50 U.S. states regarding I-140 immigration petitions. We specialize in employment-based immigration petition and have a proven record of high success rate for the categories of: EB2-NIW (National Interest Waiver), EB1-A (Alien of Extraordinary Ability), EB1-B (Outstanding Researcher/Professor) and O-1 (Alien of Extraordinary Ability).

Our Ten Thousand I-140 Approvals Provide Unprecedented Insight into the USCIS Adjudication Trend

With more than 16,000 EB-1A, EB-1B, EB-2 NIW and O-1 cases approved, we have first hand information on the manner in which the USCIS adjudicate I-140 cases. As the USCIS has constantly changed its adjudication standards for the EB-1A, EB-1B and EB-2 NIW categories, our firm's huge database of successful cases gives you unprecedented insight to USCIS adjudication trends. We carefully analyze the data for all of our cases and apply the results of our analyses toward giving our clients up-to-date advice and adapting our strategies such that we remain on par with the ever-shifting landscape of immigration law in the U.S. With us, you will always have access to important updates, strategies, and information so that you can make the most informed decisions about your case.

We Have Helped Hundreds and Thousands of Clients with Credentials and Backgrounds Similar to Yours

With our exceedingly large number of successful petitions, no matter what credentials you have, no matter your background and field of expertise, no matter your visa status or nationality, chances are we have helped hundreds or even thousands of clients just like you. Our clients are usually impressed with how well we understand their research and work. Our insight and understanding stems from the fact that we have handled many cases with elements similar to yours already, and this helps us devise the best strategies for each individual petition.

Vast Majority of Clients Came to Us Because of Referrals

For years, our firm has attracted new clients based solely on word of mouth, recommendations, and the positive collaboration experiences shared with them by their friends and family. We take pride in our reputation and work hard to ensure that we provide a green card application experience that our clients are happy to share with their friends and colleagues. That is how our approved cases grew from 600 in 2013 to over 3,500 in 2019.

If you are interested in filing the green card, please send your CV to for our free evaluation. Our attorneys will email you back with the evaluation result within 24 hours.

Approval Notices:

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To see more clients’ testimonials and approvals, please refer to:

Client's Testimonials

Approval Notices

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